Our salt caves are individual features and can serve as a perfect addition to existing wellness and spa businesses, clubs, hotels, swimming pools and fitness centers as well as private residences.
In spite of its natural rustic appearance as a stone cave, it fits seamlessly to modern standards via professional ventilation HVAC systems to control the climate as needed.
The climate is rich in ions, minerals and micro-elementary particles like sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and many others which are present in the air. These are naturally absorbed into the body by breathing saturated air into the lungs and thus improving the intake and increasing supply of these important elements to promote good health, performance and overall fitness for all ages.
With health and wellness as the focus for many people these days, our services can separate you from any local competitors and start attracting additional customers seeking solutions for natural health and wellness options.
Contact our professional team and let’s discuss your project. Our design team is ready to help you diversify your business from your competition in your market and attract health and wellness guests to increase the profitability of your business.
Traditional or modern designs available to compliment any existing design style.
Compact and versatile design for smaller applications including personal residences.
We can customize a project to fit your specific requirements, including single rooms.
Project designs specifically to accommodate yoga and/or meditation.
Unique natural look to compliment any space.
Form and function for maintaining the microclimate in our caves with options for branch or stone accents.
We have several Halotherapy options for many applications.
Salt Cave Pro Design – a pioneer in salt cave construction in the United States, with its first-ever salt cave built in Texas, now brings you the world’s first Salt Cave Pod to homes and businesses!
The Salt Cave Pod idea was born during the worldwide pandemic. The virus that has attacked the upper respiratory system and caused an absolute worldwide shutdown did not allow us to keep our salt cave spa open leaving our clients without access to one of the oldest, created by nature, antibacterial, saturated withminerals, micro elements, and negative ions inhalation therapy inside the salt cave.
Dust, cigarette smoke, modern convenient electrical appliances such as TVs, computers and high-voltage networks produce large quantities of positive ions creating electrical imbalance in the air. This can cause headaches, lethargy, dizziness, nausea, depression, indigestion, and irritability.
The salt cave creates a sealed environment where the negative ions are disbursed in the atmosphere and absorbed by the body via the skin and the respiratory system. Apart from the advantageous negative ionization, the air in the salt cave includes sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, bromine and iodine.
Negative ionization
Brings balance to overflow of positive ions we encounter everyday
Minerals for your body
Sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, bromine and iodine
Positive influence in the treatment of respiratory illnesses
Cardio vascular diseasses
Proven medical benefits for pulmonary fibrous
Dermatological conditions
Acne, psoriasis, dermatitis
Nervous system
Reduces stress, slows down breathing, and improves ability to concentrate
How will a salt cave impact a spa’s revenue and public exposure?
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Could you use this type of traffic in your existing spa? Could a fully branded Puresolspa be the next best thing in your area?
Our construction and design team has been active in the global market since 2002. We specialize in the construction of salt caves for commercial applications as well as private residences. As salt caves have gained popularity, our reputation has grown as the industry leader for professional salt cave design and construction throughout Europe and North America.
More about us